1. Is this workshop free?
Yes. There is no registration fee for the workshop
2. Is it possible to extend it to regulators in other countries?
Yes. We welcome regulators from APEC member economies and non-APEC member economies. Please provide their emails to TFDAMDCOE@GMAIL.COM . We will send information to them.
3. What do I need to prepare for the workshop?
  • Please download and read the guidances from TFDA CoE website at https://tfdamdcoe.itri.org.tw/training.html These guidances are training materials for the workshop.
  • We will request one participant from each regulatory authority to introduce the medical device regulation of its country in the first videoconference. We expect to receive the presentation slides on August 26 as we could provide to all participants.
  • The practice of EP checklist will be open for participants from August 26 to September 11. Please remember to do the assignment and interact with other trainees.
4. How many people could register for the workshop from one organization?
We expect at most 2 to 3 participants from one organization, and in total 40-60 participants for the workshop. However, the number of participants is limited. Priority will be considered to regulators. The selection of workshop participants will be made after the registration closing date on August 4. The confirmation letter will be sent out on August 8.
5. How could I register for the workshop?
You could register for the workshop on TFDA CoE website at: https://tfdamdcoe.itri.org.tw/Registration.html
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